Partner 5

>> Partner 5

Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) / Department of theor. physics


The Department of theoretical physics is part of the leading interdisciplinary research institution in Slovenia, Jozef Stefan Institute (IJS), encompassing fields from theoretical physics to life sciences, with close ties to the University of Ljubljana.

In the field of physics, IJS covers a broad spectrum of basic and applied research.

IJS leads several initiatives for the development of quantum technologies involving cold atoms and condensed matter experiments and theory.

Ljubljana is one of the EU centres for the theory of many-body non-equilibrium dynamics, fostered by the Department of theoretical physics at IJS and Faculty for mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana.

The close connection of both institutions creates one stimulating environment that will contribute the crucial expertise on open nonequilibrium dynamics of many-body systems and will, in exchange, benefit from the involvement with two state-of-the-art experimental setups from the leading experimental groups in Europe.


Dr .Zala Lenarčič

Dr Zala Lenarčič completed her Ph.D.in 2015 at the University of Ljubljana and is currently an independent senior research scientist at the Department of theoretical physics at IJS.

She recently returned from her postdocs at the University of Cologne and University of California, Berkeley, where she built the critical knowledge for the project and recognition in the community.

Particularly influential is her work on novel ways to escape thermalization by weakly driving dissipative systems with symmetries.

Currently, Lenarčič holds a national research project focusing on symmetries and quantum pumping, further exploring this topic.

Her previous work on tensor-network simulation for weakly open systems will be crucial for this project.

In addition, she is expanding her computational toolbox including tensor network approaches to neural network ones. As she is building her group at IJS, T-NiSQ will help expand it.

Her h-index is 11; she authored 14 papers (4 Phys. Rev. Lett., 1 Nat. Comm.) and has received prizes for best B.S. and Ph.D.thesis in natural sciences at the University of Ljubljana


Role in project

IJS will take part in all WPs. In tight collaboration with experiments, IJS will develop new hybrid computation approaches combining tensor network, neural network, and data from quantum simulators approach into a new hybrid platform.

IJS will also be a central partner in the description and detection of decoherence and noise effects.