Financial, technical, and scientific reporting to EC (M1 – M36; responsible: INFN; involved: all)
This task will establish and update the Consortium Agreement, implement the overall project organization and ensure institutional exchanges with the EC representatives, handle all the administrative tasks connected with the project activities (e.g. manage human and material resources; monitor activities, including quality of deliverables and progress checks against the planned schedule; collect deliverables and documents from partners to the Coordinator and/or the EC; report according to contract schedule on both administrative and scientific/technical issues); handle all the financial tasks connected with the T-NiSQ activities; prepare project reviews; supervise Consortium access rights and intellectual property rights related matters.
Preparation of T-NiSQ meetings (M1– M36: responsible: INFN; involved: all)
This task will organize Kick off during the first three months of the project organized by INFN, General Assembly, Steering Committee meetings and the T-NiSQ status report meetings together with all the needed documentation.
It will also handle reporting to the project partners all the decisions taken, thus ensuring an efficient communication flow among the partners and governing bodies.
This task will be also in charge of organizing the PhD schools.
A first school will be tentatively organized by — M12 and a second one by — M24.
T-NiSQ website, publication database and research-data management (M1 – M36; responsible: INFN; involved: all)
The creation and maintenance of a dedicated website will be the aim of this task.
It will constitute the main instrument for the project dissemination, publicizing all relevant information.
This task is also devoted to the supervision of dissemination and communication activities.